Friday, June 5, 2009

Travel Dates:  July 9 - 25, 2009

Terry Aust
Susan Hillebert
Lauren McGehee
Rod Merriweather
John Phillips
Leda Phillips
Mark Schielke
Barry Smith
Deborah Smith
Kim Swift
Valerie Wade
Laurie Whiteley

1 comment:

Dr. Susan said...

When does a Kenyan mission trip really begin? It begins a year before the departure date. This is a mission trip with many moving parts and requires about a year to put in place. mission.
The team must be assembled, fundraising events need to be planned and carried out, tickets must be purchased early to get a good price, and medical supplies need to be solicited, if donated, or ordered.
Keeping the budget figures for this mission trip is no mean feat either. Teams must not only try to raise funds for their travel but also for the $8000+ for materials.
Teams work in the hospital, build homes, work on the bio-intensive farm, host a vacation Bible school, take a part in the daily chapel services at the hospital, have daily devotionals and evening team meetings. All of this must be prepared for here in the US and most of the supplies needed must be purchased here, packed in suitcases with inventory lists for each one, and checked in at the airport.
Each team member may have one suitcase, preferably small, and one carry on for their personal items.
There are shots to get and malarial medicines to buy and begin taking prior to leaving. There are songs to select and practice both for chapel and VBS. There are skits to practice for VBS.
The year passes quickly with so much to do and the anticipation begins to grow. Here we are barely 2 weeks away from leaving and everyone is so very excited. This mission is such a wonderful way to serve the Lord!