Tuesday, July 28, 2009

21 Jul 09

Dear Dr. Susan and Barry, Lauren, Valerie, Kim, Deborah, Rod, Leda and John, Laurie, Terri, and Mark,
(Susan I don't have everyone's email -- Terri, Rod or Mark -- please forward!) (Rod, I put your email address in some pocket to take to work and I'm still looking for it!!!)
Bill and I don't know how or where to begin to thank you for coming to Maua Methodist Hospital to serve our hospital and projects, the church and community, and the Meru farm.  We are grateful beyond words for your sacrifices, your hard work, your generosity in bringing supplies and gifts, money for the hospital work project and money for the house, for Laurie giving up all else to teach CPR to 41 staff, for Leda to give up other opportunities to work with Dr. Inoti and for bringing the wonderful eye equipment, for Dr. Susan working and helping sooooo much in the nursery and pediatric ward, for the wonderful worship service,.  Thank you for spending time with our Giving Hope Project 2 days and then taking all the boys to the farm and the list goes on and on and on.  Thank you for the wonderful VBS.  The children are still talking about it..  You all worked so hard despite your illnesses and broken bones and black eyes and we are so thankful for your flexibility, perseverence and easy going spirit.  Through it all each of you were a joy to us, to the hospital, to the community and to the church.  Thank you for the medical camp -- the medication, supplies, staff and all of you that participated.  Thanks for going with Rev. Alice and praying with our patients and better understanding who we serve and how.

Thank you for the computers that we received between last summer and this summer and all the funds to purchase the equipment.  Please thank the Murphy family for donating the funds for the newborn nursery resuscitator.  The nursery staff, Nursing Officer, parents, and Bill and I are so grateful.

Thank you also for all the personal gifts.  Wow! you must have brought at least one of everything on our list and on Kathie's list.  Thank you for the 2 big and 2 small packages of tuna.  I think every night we have eaten Velveeta cheese over something.  Thank you for the snickers, the Crystal Light (I love the raspberry tea and had never tasted it), the chili peppers, preparation H, the walnuts, popcorn and pepparoni (I already made pizza!).  Thank you for the buttons for the Nurses Day.  They were definitely the hit of the day.  Thank you so much for the colored printer cartridge.  I create most of the documents for the hospital and often print things like our Mission and Vision, Annual Plan, award certificates in color.  Thus I was desperate for a color print cartridge so I could continue to do that.  Thank you for bringing the pillow cases from Prosper UMC.  Thank you Lauren for the wonderful church cookbook and thanks to all who signed it -- that makes it extra special!  I am sure I have forgotten somethings so please forgive me, it is not intentional.
We were so thankful for Susan's superb leadership and for a team that can bend with the changing winds.  Susan handled the sick folk with such  ease and so calmly which was a tremendous help to all of us.  We are so grateful to God for your attitude of gratitude, your willingness to paint, to build the AIDS Orphan's home, work with Giving Hope, inventory the huge amount of expensive, valuable, useful medical supplies and equipment that you brought and help Martha put it all away, to bring loads of goods up to our house, to gather together to share with us and members of the staff.  What a joyous time we had.  We are so thankful for your coming and giving and being!  You were a great blessing and we already miss you.  We look forward to seeing you again and again right here.We know that God will bless you as you have blessed each of us.  Your warmth, your smiles, your laughter and fun, your loving ways were testimony to your faith and understanding of God's love for you and for all His children.  You were indeed a glimpse of God which has renewed our faith, increased our hope and joy, and reminded us that we are never alone in our work to further His Kingdom.  We are literally surrounded by those who care enough to come and be one with us, to go home and tell our story and from that telling bring and give many more things to the hospital and its programs, and to pray for us, our work, and those we serve.  Thank you for being love in action, God's love to the "least of these".  We are 'happy dancing" with joy because you came, you gave, you left a part of yourselves and your loving spirit with us, and you will continue to be part of us and with us in all we do.Thank you for having your schedule changed daily.  We do invite you to give us your thoughts on what we did right or could improve on.  You never really had a chance to do that at the end of your stay and we need your input.  You were indeed a 'dream team' and we are sooooooooooo thankful for each of you.  You were a team that was bound together with the Spirit of God and it showed in all you did.

Thanks so much for everything!
We love and appreciate you more than we can say.Our cup runneth over,Jerri & Bill Savutosavuto@maf.or.ke
Maua Methodist Hospital
Box 63, Maua 60600
Meru North, Kenya
“If your cup runneth over, set it in someone else’s saucer."  Elizabeth Chidester
------ End of Forwarded Message

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