Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hello everyone! First of all four of us did fall ill to a stomach bug of some sort but everyone is doing much better today! On a happier note today some of us got to work on the house for orphans which is coming along very nicely. The children in that village are adorable. It's amazing how much can be communicated with a smile. We had so much fun playing and laughing together despite the language barrier. The house dedication will be at the end of the week, and we are all excited about it. Other team members visited a few of the giving hope organization children which was wonderful to see first hand! Everything's going great thanks for all the prayers! Kim and Valerie


Anonymous said...

We're so happy that those who were ill are feeling better! We had an email from Mike Swift asking our S.S. class to pray for those who were experiencing stomach ailments. We are thankful for answered prayers. I can just picture all those smiling faces. I am guessing that VBS is tomorrow. Good luck with it.
Cathy & Bill

Anonymous said...

Glad everyone is on the mend. Our prayers are with you all. Have a safe week. Judy Oros

Libby Schielke said...

I love getting these updates! Thanks so much for sending them. I'm glad everyone is feeling better.Sounds like things are getting accomplished and all is good! Keeping you all in prayer..Libby

Olacia said...

Hello. We are enjoying your updates. Could you please wish my father, Rod Merriweather, a happy belated birthday for me. Wishing you well.
Brandon Merriweather

Anonymous said...

I want a Stoney! Anyone willing to have one for me?