Thursday, July 16, 2009

In the midst of all this, I realized that I was looking through the lens of my own cultural context which distorted my view and understanding. Who says that there must be a standard for gauging suffering and pain? How could I possibly understand what it is like to comfort a child who had been severely injured because he had been hit by a cow or a wife who had been stoned by her husband? What I do know is that we may all encounter suffering and pain at one point in our lives. We may all respond differently according to our cultural context. But, no matter what, God's grace and mercy are the things that bind us together through it all. And for me that is sufficient! "I will bless the Lord at all times; God's praise shall continually be in my mouth." Ps 34:1. - Reverend Deborah Smith


Anonymous said...

Deborah....all I have to say is "wow". Something to think about tonight. I love your journal...thanks
Judy Oros

Unknown said...
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Unknown said... point. I think we all are biased by culture and circumstance. But I totally agree that God's love binds us together and regardless of our culture, circumstance,past, etc... Love is universal and can always be shared; it is the greatest gift God has given us. May your trip and all those with you continue to be blessed while you are serving God through his people.
Kimberly Rodriguez

Anonymous said...

Well said! I agree that we tend to view life through our own lens of culture, values, etc. In whatever manner we experience the basic feelings of joy, pain, grief, hunger, etc., we know that nothing, including race, culture, economics or other distinguishing features can separate us from the love of God. I am so thankful that you are in Kenya gaining insights from those you meet and giving graciously of the love you have received to those you meet. I know they are blessed to have met you. I also know that you are being blessed as well. Safe travels to you and the team. We are praying for all of you.
Cathy & Bill