Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Prayer needs for the mission

GUMC Mission Kenya Mission Itinerary and Prayer Needs

Thurs 7/9 Over the next two days pray for safety and health as we travel.
John 15:1-17
United Flight#5951 10:40AM Memphis to Chicago
United Flight#958 5:00PM Chicago to London

Fri 7/10 Psalm 121
Kenya Air#103 10:20AM London to Nairobi
Arrive Nairobi 8:50PM and overnight at Methodist Guest House in Nairobi

Sat 7/11 Pray for our safety in Nairobi and on the highways of Kenya
Philippians 4:12&13
Errands in Nairobi, Drive to Maua Basin Hotel
Approximately a 6 hour drive over roadways full of people, animals, and traffic.

Sun 7/12 Pray that we will be open to the Kenyan culture and all God has in store for us.
Proverbs 3:5&6
Attend St Joseph’s Methodist Church, the Kimeru, Swahilli,and English services, and meet the community and hospital staff and visit children’s Sunday School. Enjoy fellowship with old friends. Then settle in at the hotel, sort supplies we’ve carried to Maua and plan our week’s assignments. Play with local children and perhaps hike to the waterfall.

Mon 7/13 Pray that we remain focused on God’s word and that we continue to listen for His direction and look for His lighted path.
Psalm 119:105
Chapel Service then a brief tour of the Hospital before the team starts work assignments. Team members will then scatter to various locations in Maua. Work at the hospital consists of construction work on the staff flats, and medical teaching and consulting. In a nearby village team members begin construction of a home for a family of AIDS orphans. Other team members participate in Giving Hope Empowerment Program training.

Tues 7/14 In a community of dire needs one can be easily overwhelmed
by the “needs.”
Pray that we will trust God to guide our hearts, minds, hands, and feet.
Psalm 91: 1-2 and vs. 11
Continue work at various locations. By now we have made many new friends. Laurie doing Basic Life Support re-certification training for all staff members this week, every day. Leda collaborating with physician and nurses to set up ophthalmology equipment for clinic and surgery. Two to 4 team members are with Giving Hope, at the AIDS orphans house, or at the hospital work projects, each day rotating who goes where.

Wed 7/15 Pray for the widows and orphans. They have nothing, yet they pray for our church and us.
Luke 21:1-4
Team leading Chapel service this morning. Rev. Deborah will deliver the message other team members will participate. The hospital staff begins each day with Chapel service. The house should be almost finished. The staff flats work progressing.

Thu 7/16 Pray for the family that will live in the house that we have
built. Pray for our good health.
Matthew 25:34-40
House completed today with dedication ceremony in the afternoon. Many from the village will attend.
The week’s busy schedule, lack up sleep, dietary changes etc. will be catching up with us by now.

Fri 7/17 Pray for the patients and staff of Maua Methodist Hospital. Psalm 146 and Matthew 19:14
Today and tomorrow work will be focused on the hospital. The completion of housing for staff a priority. Accessible and safe housing is an incentive to nurses and doctors who come to serve in Maua. In the afternoon we are conducting VBS for up to 300 children who speak little to no English. Pray that we will remain faithful knowing that in the most seemingly insignificant task, God will use it for his purpose.

Sat 7/18 Pray for those who are serving daily among a sea of human suffering. They are steadfast in faith and should be lifted
in spirit.
Romans 8:26-39
Our last work day in Maua at the hospital and in the community. We evaluate our time and service here, make notes for next year.

Sun 7/19 Pray for the group leaders of Giving Hope Empowerment Program.
Ecclesiastes 11:1-6
Church in Maua, Transfer to Methodist Bio-Intensive Agricultural Training Center (the “farm”). Take 18 Giving Hope group leaders. These children, as AIDS orphans, are household heads, responsible for caring for younger siblings, providing shelter, food security, and education. They will share this training with other groups of AIDS orphans, raising the level of food security for the entire cooperative of orphans.

Mon 7/20 Pray for the Giving Hope teens.
Matthew 20:1-16
Giving Hope children are very hard workers and so excited about learning and sharing their knowledge with other families of orphans. Unlike those who labored all day in the vineyard for the same wage as those who worked only an hour, these children do not complain. They exemplify gratitude.
Team will work on a construction project all day. Begin debrief

Tuesday 7/21 Pray that the foundations of our Giving Hope children will remain strong as they return to their homes in the morning.
Matthew 7:24-27
Team continues work at farm. Giving Hope leaders complete their training and receive their prized Certificates.

Wed 7/22 Pray again for these Giving Hope children. Pray for highway
safety in our travels.
Isaiah 40 (especially verses 28-31) “but those that have hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
Giving Hope youth return to Maua. Team travels north to Samburu Game Park for a day of relaxation and debrief.

Thu 7/23 Pray for each team member by name for strength of spirit
and renewal.
Psalm 104
Enjoy the splendor of God’s creation. Observe, elephant,
giraffe, gazelle, lions on the African
Savanna. Debrief the experience of mission. Reflect and pray.

Fri 7/24 Pray for health and travel safety.
Psalm 23
Early morning departure for Nairobi. Dirt roads for one to two hours then Kenyan highway.
About 7 hours to Nairobi. Errands and dinner in Nairobi then to airport for departure at midnight.
Kenya Air#102 24 JUL Nairobi-London 11:45pm- 6:45am next day

Sat 7/25 Continue to pray for travel safety and health.
Philippians 2:12-18
Rejoice with us at our return that we have fulfilled God’s commission for us with faith and steadfastness. London to Chicago then Arrival Memphis 10:35pm Saturday night. We will have traveled for 48 hrs to return home.
United#949 25JUL London - Chicago 1220pm - 321pm
United#6703 25JUL Chicago - Memphis 855pm - 1035pm

Sun 7/26 Matthew 5:14-16
With your prayers and support we have lifted our light around
the world for all to see and know Him.

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