Friday, July 10, 2009

We have arrived safely at the Methodist Guest House in Nairobi. God's traveling mercies are with us. After 32 hours of travel we are healthy, safe, and have all of our luggage and medical supplies! We will drive to Maua tomorrow on busy roads (about 6 hrs). Pray for our drivers and for safety.


dwieters said...

I am so thankful for your safe arrival. My prayers are with all of you for a successful mission and God's richest blessing on you and on all to whom you minister.
Dot Wieters

Libby Schielke said...

Yea! So glad you made it safely and so happy to hear from you! Hope you get a good nights sleep and are refreshed for the drive tomorrow. Tell Mark hello! Keeping all of you in our prayers..

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you all got there safely. My prayers are with all of you! Be safe. Judy Oros

dismithj said...

Thanks for the update... May God grant you safe passage to conduct this mission of mercy!


Anonymous said...

We want you to know that we are praying for you. We are excited that y'all arrived safely and that all the bags made it there as well. Sleep well!
Cathy & Bill

Unknown said...

By now you've worshiped in 3 languages, but we'll keep praying for you anyway. Thank you for tending the fig tree. We know your work, God's work, will bear a lot of fruit. We've got the Smiths and Phillips penciled in for all four SS classes in October. Take lots of pictures!