Saturday, July 16, 2011

Leaving Maua for BioIntensive Farm

From Leda Phillips: Friday morning our team attended chapel and then set out to finish or continue projects at the hospital. Everyone stayed on hospital grounds today. Dr. Susan made rounds, Leda went to the eye clinic and others painted the maternity ward. Part of the team met with hospital administration after morning tea for an evaluation of the week.

After lunch we said goodbye to our Maua friends and loaded a bus to travel to Meru Methodist BioIntensive Farm. We took 12 Hope Companion orphans with us so that they could be trained in sustainable farming techniques. Once we were settled in at the Farm, we had some time to get to know the teenagers better. During the course of the afternoon and evening we sang songs and played games with them; even though there was no electricity after about 8 pm. We used flashlights as we sang, danced, and generally had a fun time. These teens rarely ever have any time to just relax and have fun; they spend all their time trying to earn a living to support their family. We finally had to call it a night. Tomorrow we will begin our work projects at the Farm.

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