Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This is Valrie - Monday, July 28 We started the day at Chapel at Maua Methodist Hospital. Then toured the hospital. Had tea.....then my group went to work on the Aids Orphan house. Many thigs are not what I expected in Kenya. But the ride to the house today was what I had envisioned. We crowded in the back of this very old vehicle - and went over the dustiest, rocky road ever! It was like "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride"! It was fun and building the house was awesome. We met the grandmother and children who will live there. They are very grateful about their new home. We made great progress today. It is amazing how quickly it starts to take shape! I am happy to be working on our various projects now. The Kenya people we've met have such hope and faith-and have so little or nothing in material things. I am looking forward to helping in any way I can. Our mission trip has already made me so thankful for God's blessings in
my life family!

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