Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Catherine, Carrie, Joseph, and Arthur worked late into the evening on the AIDS Orphans house today. Two children will be the beneficiaries of this home, Ken age 12 and Katwiria age 9 (estimated ages, their grand motherbdoes not know their birthdates) Both of their parents have died and they are cared for by elderly grandparents. Katwiria is HIV positive and is cared for by the hospital's Palliative Care Clinic, where she receives free medical care and drugs. The children are able to have food and stay in school because of Maua Methodist Hospital's AIDS Orphans Program.
Amy, Donna, Megan, and Peggy traveled over dusty roads with the Giving Hope Team to Tharika. They met four young women who are heads of their household, one only eleven years old.They are carrying out a variety of enterprises that allow them to support their families and stay in school. Just a grant of a few dollars for seeds issometimes all these children need to get on their way.

Rev. Deborah made rounds with the hospital Chaplin, praying over each patient today. Dr Susan consulted in the Children's Ward and met with hospital staff. Several us us meet Linette, the hospital's newest employee She is to promote the National Health Insurance to the community. Linette was attacked by her husband weilding a machette in 2007. Both her hands and one foot were amputated. The hospital cared for her saved her life and her foot. She was hospialized for weeks and all felt that only a miricle could account for her life.
Barry and Terry did stone wall massonry in the new appartments being built to accomodate medical interns. Valerie, Brandon, and Allie continued work on refurbising the children's ward.
We were all blessed throughout our day by warm smiles and happy spirits.
The team was hosted for dinner at the Savuto's home where enjoyed a delicious Kenyan/American meal. We learned more about the hospitals programs.

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